throughout this journey many images open when clicked to show additional background material
throughout this journey many images open when clicked to show additional background material
the changing images are all a part of the Journey, each one moving forward or crossing over notions in the development of my studio work.
Through visual language, drawing, painting, installations, I am able to 'see' more, to understand more. It is my way of thinking. Image (to words); (words) to image. Early works focused on people close to me, my favourite places, memories, helping me to know where I was in the world, looking out from inside. I use myself in my work to explore existence today. Hearing the term posthuman, excited me and led to me questioning identity; mine, yours, the condition of our now species.
We exist today between The Human and The Posthuman.
We live in an ever evolving posthuman world.
A world where the artist Stelarc has claimed that the body is obsolete.
Where the roboticist Hans Moravec states that the senses have no future.
Where the postmodern literary critic Katherine Hayles urges us to surrender
to our natural life span and death rather than seeking immortality.
Each work is Unique and of Itself, based on my corporeal existence.
The process of my work is one that travels through spirals, looping back, off at tangents, as it evolves.
Current Work shows the current position of the Journey, always evolving. The projects are building blocks, are the steps of The Journey.