Yvonne Jones: (Artist Researcher)
RM3 X its (2008). Installation video projections,1 and 2
Video / Form / Process / Context
RM3 X its (2008). Installation video projections,1 and 2
Video / Form / Process / Context
Video Installation X-ist (2008)
The work X-ist (2008) is a video projected in landscape format. The image is wide but not tall. it evokes the idea of a label, an identity badge. It is projected low on a wall in an appropriate position that calls for any viewer to walk between the projector and the image, at which moment the image is directly placed on the viewer.The viewer is the subject of the act of marking, and is visible as an inscribed body at this moment. The projection echoes the surgeon who here metaphorically carries the historic, cultural and social weight of inscription so important to Foucault. The work contain's Foucault's view, where the tools of society, inscribe the body. There is no audio with the projection.
The work was extracted from recorded video images taken during the removal of a cyst from my body. Background material shows a more visceral section of the recording. The under-the-skin flesh and cyst showing that for there to be inscription, there needs to be something, in this case a physical body, on which to inscribe. My thanks to the medics for their support and response to my request for records.
The work was a development out of the collection of material from my own body, paralleling and referencing medical interventions to my body which in this case not only open an increasing awareness of life/death of inside /outside and of our human/posthuman existence, but also reference Foucault's notion of the inscribed body. The installation gave access to a sense of inner structure, space and activity in life.
The work X-ist (2008) is a video projected in landscape format. The image is wide but not tall. it evokes the idea of a label, an identity badge. It is projected low on a wall in an appropriate position that calls for any viewer to walk between the projector and the image, at which moment the image is directly placed on the viewer.The viewer is the subject of the act of marking, and is visible as an inscribed body at this moment. The projection echoes the surgeon who here metaphorically carries the historic, cultural and social weight of inscription so important to Foucault. The work contain's Foucault's view, where the tools of society, inscribe the body. There is no audio with the projection.
The work was extracted from recorded video images taken during the removal of a cyst from my body. Background material shows a more visceral section of the recording. The under-the-skin flesh and cyst showing that for there to be inscription, there needs to be something, in this case a physical body, on which to inscribe. My thanks to the medics for their support and response to my request for records.
The work was a development out of the collection of material from my own body, paralleling and referencing medical interventions to my body which in this case not only open an increasing awareness of life/death of inside /outside and of our human/posthuman existence, but also reference Foucault's notion of the inscribed body. The installation gave access to a sense of inner structure, space and activity in life.